Goal 2030

We have a purpose, and we are the ones who grow, develop and strive more and more every day to achieve this purpose. Our goals cause us to use both our motivation and our existing power more functionally.

It becomes important to constantly work in line with the goals we set as Sertrans. Our job is to give direction, not to be blown in the wind. What should a good goal be like? It must be specific and concrete, realistic, measurable, desirable and of course it must be believed that we can do these things.

There is no goal that cannot be achieved. There are poorly prepared action plans, companies that fail to take responsibility, and those that do not recognize their capacity. If there is no goal to achieve, there is no success! The future and success of companies depend on the goals they set.



That's why we, as Sertrans Logistics;

With this understanding, we created our #Target2030 vision and determined our goals. We will be Turkey's Best Logistics Organization in 2025 with the improvements we will make in our organizational structure, the new policies we will implement and the investments we will make in HR technologies.

By 2025, we will increase our domestic storage capacity, which is currently around 140 thousand square meters, to over 250 thousand square meters.

By expanding our warehouse and sales office structure, currently located in Germany, to Europe, we will begin to provide established logistics services in five European countries by 2027, and we will further strengthen our power in the European market with our own warehouses and sales network.


 We will achieve the highest performance in fleet management and manage our fleet consisting of domestic, foreign, self-owned and supplied vehicles with high efficiency.

By concentrating on our R&D studies, we will improve our technological infrastructure level for both our warehouse and international transportation operations day by day, and we will raise it to the highest level in 2030.

With all these works we will do, we will be Turkey's largest logistics company in 2030!

We are walking towards #Target2030 without slowing down.



Combating the Climate Crisis

Combating the Climate Crisis

Discover the power of logistics in combating the climate crisis in our article.

Sustainable Production, Consumption

Sustainable Production, Consumption

Discover the importance of sustainable production and consumption patterns in logistics.

Inclusive Education in Logistics

Inclusive Education in Logistics

Discover the importance of professional development in the logistics sector in our article

 The Logistics Sector with Women's

The Logistics Sector with Women's

Discover women's empowerment in the logistics sector in our article.

Economic Growth In Logistics

Economic Growth In Logistics

Discover the trend of economic growth in logistics in our article.

Corporate Transparency

Corporate Transparency

What are corporate transparency and accountability? Discover more in our article.

Infrastructure in Logistics

Infrastructure in Logistics

Discover what innovation and resilient infrastructure mean in logistics in our article.



By becoming a member of Sertrans Port; You will benefit from the power of Sertrans Logistisc, which has been the number one choice of global and local brands for more than 30 years, and put an end to the trouble of searching for cargo.

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